In today's business world, every company uses computers. Regardless of the type of business can be, employees are required to access and use of computers with varying degrees of use. There are several reasons for setting up a computer system monitors the activities of his office.
to increase productivity
Even though all hope of its employees are conscientious workers who perform their tasks efficiently, without wasting time, experience has shown that it is not always the case. No computer activity monitoring, it is tempting for all employees to spend time on instant messaging services, chat rooms, or to browse their favorite websites. Installing monitoring tool on every computer user's computer can find out who's wasting precious time and eventually the company to be ineffective in their jobs. Desktop software for monitoring can also see that the software for which licenses your company has paid a lot of money is really used your employees or do they just lose their investment. You can also analyze your servers to find out if insufficient.
To protect the intellectual property rights
company whose work depends on the processes, models or know how to have developed a need to pay particular attention to the installation tool for monitoring computers. Analysis of the data as the software provided, you can find out who is sending confidential material from the office through various media such as email, instant messenger services, etc., and whether employees are actually following ethical practices specified in their contracts or rules of conduct .
To reduce the risk of corporate
Following the activities of employee computer monitoring can be done on the employee if they suspect misconduct or suspect that someone else even though it communicates with your computer is trying to sabotage your business. Installation tools such as computer software for network monitoring can forestall or prevent activities such as cyber-attacks, and generate information that reveals the degree of corporate risk your company is in. Based on the data generated, you accordingly, you can create new or modify existing risk management system you have in May.