budget for IT desktop refresh or a new computer is often hit and miss thing for many companies, as in most cases purchasing decisions as a result of the calculations and easily defined policy in relation to real-world business needs. This can have a significant impact on business productivity and profitability, but this fact is often overlooked.
This is especially true if the company has invested heavily in computer-aided design solutions as part of their software portfolio, as well as the beneficiaries of this program is generally required to properly configure the CAD workstation, and yet they are often the biggest victims uglobalne policies and budgets that led lottery is incredible considering that these users are often responsible directly or indirectly for the company's profitability.
It is very easy to apply a blanket policy of IT requirements and as is often the case this rule applies without forethought. Equally it is also an easy option for an internal IT team or an outside contractor that easy path often taken without real-world business needs. So why should this particular group of users to be treated any differently to any other and why you should take time to fully understand their needs?
usually need to take into account the tools they use to perform their jobs and the role they play in business. For example, consider a product development as a case in point.
To achieve the above objectives of the business will probably have to invest in expensive computer aided design technology, as well as high-salaried personnel, but also gave the company the best of intentions often is counter productive force in the game and it's often the company's own global IT policy!
Although each company employee is a valuable asset for your business IT needs will be dramatically different as a world of difference between the computer requirements for office workers usually using a generic office applications and product designer in the example above.
office workers can pretty much use any PC on the market and be as productive as a designer where the product will be much better specified system commonly called, a certified graphics card, processor suitable for CAD software is used, 64-bit operating system, large amounts of RAM and so on.
expecting this user in order to meet company goals if they are subject to IT policy, which dictates the same computer hardware as well as their fellow office worker was employed as a little racing driver, and then expecting them to win the Formula One race while driving a family saloon . The same can be said for trying to buy a CAD workstation, or mobile workstations on a restrictive budget.
call to action here is very simple. Investing in the right computer hardware for the company's business needs and recognize that not all user requirements are the same. I do not apply restrictive budgets for key users who require a CAD workstation, because it can at best appreciate their business weeks a year in lost productivity and at worst could result in lower profits for projects that are late or difficult to market.